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Organic Intelligence® Coach Certification Program

The Organic Intelligence® Coach Certification (OICC) program is a rigorous one year, 200-hour immersion in OI’s Post-Trauma Growth methods. Taught to thousands worldwide, OI Coaching is a deeply attuned conversational interaction that works directly with the growth trends of a client’s neurobiology. Graduates have trained to work with individuals for both online and in-person coaching and to: - Understand the science-based fundamentals of systems theory, graduate-level psychological theories, and mindfulness. - Grow clients’ processing bandwidth, planning, and problem solving abilities at the source: our human neurobiology. - Recognize clients’ emergent states that lead naturally toward their biology becoming Auto-Organizing—the basis of self-healing. - Work with an emphasis on attunement to the client in the here and now. - Use Organic Intelligence’s ISOMA™ framework to make change safely—not just in the cognitive or emotional realms—but with training in all aspects of the client’s experience: Image, Sensation, Orientation, Meaning and Affect (ISOMA). In OICC, coaches discover how neurobiology, psychology, complexity science, ethics, and spirituality find their weave in a compassionate and deeply attuned coaching relationship.

Issued on

August 12, 2024

Expires on

August 12, 2026